admissions information

Modern Montessori Charter School kindergarten through eighth grade students are part of our tuition-free public charter school.

Preschool students are part of our fee-based early learning program.

Use the links below to submit an application to either our tuition-free K-8 charter school or our fee-based preschool program. We strive to be a paperless school, so please watch your email after you have submitted an online form for additional enrollment paperwork.

If you need assistance submitting an online application, please call the MMCS front office at 763-358-8148.

Submitted applications will be assigned an application ID number that will be sent via confirmation email from the Modern Montessori Enrollment Coordinator. Please save this ID as this will be used throughout the enrollment process.

Please complete a separate enrollment application for each preschool through eighth grade student.

To read our Enrollment and Lottery procedures in their entirety, please click here.

Questions? Email or call the Modern Montessori Charter School front desk at 763-358-8148.

Fee-Based Preschool Application

Please complete a separate enrollment application for each preschool student.

Modern Montessori Charter School offers both full- and half-day options for preschool. This fee-based program is not subject to the same admissions/lottery procedures as the school’s K-8 tuition-free program.

*Children must be 3-years-old by September 1st of the corresponding year and be fully potty-trained to be eligible to enroll.

tution-Free Charter school application (k-8)

Please complete a separate enrollment application for each kindergarten through eighth grade student.

2024-25 School Year

Open Enrollment for the 2024-25 school year closed February 2, 2024. Any applications received after February 2nd will still be accepted for grade levels with open seats. Applications received in grade levels that have reached their maximum capacity will be added to the corresponding waitlist.

*Currently enrolled K-7 students do not need to reapply. Currently enrolled preschool students wishing to enroll in kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year will need to submit an online application.